Of all worlds and livings

March 27, 2014

Being so creative is hard. This words come from a student known for her creativity and sense of art. I wish being creative was a bit easier because I don't like stressing my mind to be creative. Sometimes I wanna be mainstream, I have my days off too and eventho being mainstream is boring, it gives break to my brain to stop working so hard. Well, unlike few days ago. Today is March 27th, which means my partner in crime, Tara had her 18th birthday. I didn't give her the best gift on her 17th birthday. It was 1D's second album, Take Me Home simply because the album has so much feelings and through that I wanted her to realize that she's as precious as 1D to me (possibly much more than that). This time though, I worked my brain. Well, not really. I was flipping through the pages of reading GoGirl magazine and there was this idea of sticking your old post-it notes on the wall for a DIY quick photo booth in your bedroom. The idea itself is brilliant, yet easy and cheap. Everyone can do it, you just collect your post-its and stick them to the wall. But, instead of sticking the whole post-its to the wall, I put them on a paper, and started writing messages.

I would lie if I didn't say it was a bit rushed. But for something as far as a hand made gift being rushed, I never had it this tidy and neat before. And I have bad experience with my handwriting because most of my friends can't read them :| I don't know what's wrong with it, my writing style often changes from time to time orz... If you know us in real life upclose, you'll realize we both always have something in common. I have to make a list if you ask me what are those, hihi.

Because I'm so cocky as hell, and that's okay~

Tara is my best friend since we became chairmate in our second semester of our first year in senior high. Despite her scary look and younger-than-me face (at least that's what most of our friends tell me), she's the only one who gets along with me really well. I was afraid at first if our friendship would end when we finally chose our major. But turned out it didn't happen that way. We get even closer than before. We still laugh uncontrollably over the smallest little things. We can't stop listening to Prambors, and making up stupid scenes in our heads while doing maths together (which I still can't find the correlation). We're still as inseparable as ever.

I'm so glad to have a partner in crime like you.



  1. this is such a thoughtful and heartfelt gift :)

    1. Hihi, thank you so much kak Wynne!

  2. nice post!

  3. This is super cute xx


  4. super creative :D

    btw I'm having giveaway linf choker and dress on my blog
    for more info check elenaputri.blogspot.com , don't miss it

    1. Thank you, my sweetest Sugar Bunny!
