Walaupun aku ga merayakan Natal, tapi ga dipungkiri spirit perayaan agama lain ga pernah diabaikan di keluargaku. Contohnya ya soal hadiah di bulan Desember. Waktu tanggal 25 kemarin akhirnya aku bisa dapet album fisik One Direction yang kedua, Take Me Home dan oh my god—rasanya membahagiakan banget! Aku udah khatam dengerin lagu-lagu mereka lewat Youtube karena susah cari album ini di Bekasi. Hampir selalu kosong karena ludes dibeli orang :( Tapi karena sekarang udah dapet albumnya, aku bisa dengerin One Direction whenever and wherever I go!
Kalo kamu gimana? What did you get this Christmas?

Collage by me, images from various source.
Wow, today is 12-12-12! :D I'm pretty much excited today. Well, nothing really good happens but the feeling that's been up in the air is good so there's no such reason not to be happy today ^^ Sorry for the mumbling. I'm still having my final exams and will be ended this Friday!!! Woohoo, can't wait till Friday so that I can have more spare time to work on my videos kkkk~
So anyway, as christmas is slowly coming to town, I've made up my simple wishlist this time, which I hope will be done one by one when it's christmas shopping time hehe :)
1. Take Me Home album! Haven't got the chance to go out and check music stores around downtown and the price is pretty much cheap so I guess mom would buy me this :D
2. New laptop~ I just need this. No more Mac, I don't like Mac. I need THIS from HP.
3. Yep, I'm still waiting for my own Cambridge Satchel.
4. Christian Louboutin's to-die-for-at-least-for-me shoes.
5. Samsung hard-disk. Since Fidel taught me of how important it is to collect videos from YouTube, I need my own large space to keep my fangirl stuffs, ranging from 1D, to SJ ;)
6. This spike cap trended a while ago but who cares? It still rocks my face off.
7. WIDE ANGLE LENS FOR HARRY. I've told dad I needed this baby so much but he said just in the mean time, I should enjoy my standard lens a little longer geez! He just doesn't know how perfect my photos are when I shoot with this little baby OMGD...
8. Kind of obvious I'm a music person. And walking at random street wearing this on my head would be soooo forking perfect haha. Probably there'll be any SM Ent. management that interested with my style?
So that's all my current wishlist. What's yours? :)
Facing Monday has never been this good for me. Well, for me. For you guys who follow me on Twitter must have known that this time I've successfully landed in Social 1 again, yuuhuu! :D After struggling over a lot of economic, accountancy, history, and geographic books, I finally did it again! It's hard to explain how things work here in my high school but for the sum up, I will always be rolled every once in a month. There are 4 classes of social and 9 classes of science here and each month, the students will be put on different classes based on their exams' scores—it's just that simple actually. So mind to give me another big applause for have done such great fight back? B)
Happy weekends everyone! xoxo
Some of my "real world" friends asked me of how did I do my blog until this far. And so I had the idea to made a post and to shared with you my personal experience with blogging world for 3 years. Just a reminder that this is just a personal view of myself, okay? :)
Let's start with the very basic question... why do you blog? I must admit that blogging is opened for everyone with no limitation. But if you wanna keep it up, you have to be someone that has a passion for it. Like, just like me, I have a mad passion in writing. Started from writing my life and other ramblings on Tumblr, I thought I needed another space that was big enough and I could share my other passion with others. Not to mention I gained lots of another new passion from overseas bloggers since then :)
Now when you're ready to start a blog, what should you post? I'll say, EVERYTHING! ;) Recently I've been looking up over fashion blogs--cuz I'm not really sure style.com interests me as much as street stylers live from their own blogs. But I'm also into personal, food, design, and fandoms blogs. One thing for sure, you gotta decide what's your blog's theme. Stick with it all the time, but be a flexible one and give another things to shine :)
Every blogger started their own blog at first from ground zero. So it's okay to grow your own step by step. But this point is really important: the blog design. It's the design that readers love at first sight. You should make good impression when new or old readers come back to your blog. Don't forget to re-design your blog every once in a while to refresh it. Don't put too many gadgets on your sidebar or wherever it is that makes your blog looks terribly messy. Put the most important first, then some additionals follow. Remember as less is always more :)
Afterall, the one that really, really, really attracts readers is the quality of your posts. No matter how good your blog design is, if you don't put good effort on making your posts, there's no way people would love to have a peek of it. So make sure you write good, readable and interesting. Here are some tips of me when you write posts:
+ Don't use too many kinds of different fonts in one single post. People will get confused easily. Stick to one standard font that you've customized at the template designer.
+ No RAINBOW fonts. Except for some condition where you want to hightlight a word but that's just for ONE WORD. Like I did above on RAINBOW word. It makes me dizzy everytime I read too many colours in one single post on some blogs.
+ I know this seems unimportant but using the right word of a language--for example, English--would be very appreciated here. Always try to stick with the right grammar. It's okay if you got wrong grammar but make sure you don't go too far with that. Use capital letters for each beginning of a sentence and you-know-the-rule.
And here comes the tricky part. When you've done having all those things above for your blog, make sure you have one special page that describes yourself. When I visit blogs, the first thing I read is always the "about" page. It gives me information of the author. Just in case if we have the same interests :)
Last but not least, always blogging from the heart!

I went for an art class with a good friend of mine when we were little. We used to sneak up and watched some students painted or made vases back then. I still remember how I asked my mother desperately to come with them and sign me in. At first she refused, but after a few more arguments, she agreed. And there I was, with my friend, walked proudly to the art class and started doing some paints. But a few years later I decided to stop while my friend kept going. And just a few days ago he showed me some of his water color arts that he learnt from that art class. Now I'm feeling a little bit disappointed of myself cuz I've stopped. Oh well, don't you think these paintings are just fascinating? :)
Have a sweet weekends!
Wow, a week without blog update? Where have I been? :O My internet connection has been broken recently. I've tweeted it today a lot lol :D But now it just got repaired and I'm ready to be back on track! So what have I missed? LOTS OF MANY GOODS, of course, geez. I couldn't read blogs for a week and it almost killed me smoothly. But anyway, last Wednesday I received my package from Gowigasa, yay! :* Remember the union jack bag that I ever told you here? Now they're officially in my hands... or I can say in my closet, joining with my other hand bags, hehe. Super duper love it! This is my first experience in online shopping and Gowigasa has given me big impact and brave me to have another online shopping. In fact, I'm carving another bags from them right now ;)
Thank you so much for the good service, I love it!
"You go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me...
But we are never ever ever ever...
... getting back together!"
Gardens, flowers, plants. Everything green just like in the jungle—okay, gardens like I said. These photos were taken back then when I was still in Jogja and was waiting for my parents to talked with some neighbours there. It was a sunny day when Dim brought his dog, Lionell along. I took some photos of Lionell but for now, I'll just share the beautiful flowers I snapped too. So say, aren't they cute??? I think I'll look up for new lens since the standard lens can't really catch the beauty details of little things. Dad said I should get myself a micro lens. Well, that means I have to save up money from now on...
All photos taken by me
Canon Rebel T3i - standard lens
Two awards at the same time from the sweet girl over this blog, Realm of A Poetess!. Thank you so much, Dipika! Love you and your blog! All the posts you've posted, I love how you put those words altogether and create such sweet combination: just like a pro poet-writers! And since I am running out of time and need to catch some things up, I think—like always—I'll pass this award to whoever who sees this post :) I'll probably edit this post to add some blogs ^^ You can see both of the awards' rules here. Now I'll start:
7 random facts about me (again):
1. I know I said I hated math but math in social science is so easy, and so I start loving it!
2. I enjoy having exams
3. I don't like the class I am in right now
4. I've been an emotional-wreck lately
5. I'm having writer's block
6. My doctor said I should work out more and lose some weight
7. I started being a religious girl now
And the questions I'm gonna answer:
1. What do you feel your purpose is in life? Quite honestly, I've never really thought about it. I haven't figured it out and I'm not ashamed to admit this. But I guess my ultimate purpose in life is to be happy
2.What is your favorite book? I can't pick! I mean honestly, how do you pick one specific book out of hundreds you've read?
3. Who or what inspires you most in life? My enemies or rivals. They're like one of my biggest source of motivation
4. Would your rather donate time or money? Money
5. What are your best qualities? I never leave people and I love hard. Does that qualify as a quality? lol
6. If you were an organ in the body which would you be and why? Eyes because the eyes are the most beautiful part of the body, imo. You can't hide from the eyes
7. Why do you blog? I don't know man I mean I like the idea of having a small personal space that you can fill with things you love, added the fact that I love writing so much and telling stories, blogging is just a way for me to embrace more of what I love doing
8. What is your greatest accomplishment? For never giving up on myself, ever
9. Who is your role model/ hero and why? My own friends! Maybe because they're the closest and realest person in my life so their success and failure story gets me in the face just like that since I see them on a daily basis and I know what they go through isn't something exaggerated.
10. If you could be anything or anyone in the world, what would it be and why? I think I'd still be myself, ha! As much as I hate myself (sometimes), I can't really think of being in someone else' body and life
Thank's for reading, have a blessed day!
LIGHT PLAYS, that's what I've been up to. Since now I'm using a real DSLR camera, not the pocket one like I used to, I think practicing my skill and HARRY's skill is one of a must. Here are some of my latest light plays photos that I did with my little brother and Dimitri. Welp, this time he just ruined the pictures :|
All photos taken by me.
So what do you think? B) Still amateur, but at least I know I can actually do this, ha!
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