Maybe you haven't heard about it, or maybe you have, or maybe you've heard about it but you're still not convinced yet to buy... maybe it's Maybelline.
Oh my god, does that sound so cringeworthy? Because it does, in my head. LOL. Okay I'm back with another great product from my favorite drugstore make-up brand, Maybelline. As you guys have known, they have just released a new formula (and price too, for that matter) of the powder mattes lipstick. I remember I have never used any of Maybelline products before the entire Fit Me foundation and concealer were being raved by beauty gurus because I wasn't big on make-up either. But now that I have learned a thing or two about it, Maybelline quickly becomes such a good option if you're still learning to perfect your make-up skill because they're super affordable and they have literally everything you need from primer to blushes to mascara to highlighter and bronzer, you name it! And now, I present you; The Powder Mattes by Color Sensational, that only costs you for like IDR 55.000 (craaaazyyyy isn't it?).

I have never tried Maybelline's lipstick formula before so I wasn't expecting anything when I tried it on my lips and turns out, it's sooo buttery and smooth and yummy! All of my lipsticks have matte finish and since we're fasting, my lips get chapped even faster than usual so I avoid wearing lipstick as much as I can :( But that would be impossible because I look so bad without any lipstick. And this powder mattes from Maybelline comes into the light to finally save my chapped lips problem! It feels very light and moisturizing, it transfers, but not too crazy because it's not a dead matte lipstick so of course it will transfers. The color pay off is amazing, so pigmented, and it lasts for hours even after you eat. Over all, I'm so gonna buy another shade just because I really like the formula. I wonder if the other lipstick formula is as good as this one because I'm currently looking for a blue lipstick and I know Maybelline has one but it's not from the powder mattes collection, hmm.
How about you? Have you tried this lipstick? Send me your thoughts in the comment box!
Wah, akhirnya... setelah sekian lama cuma bisa ngelihatin produknya di video Youtube orang-orang, aku bisa punya juga! Jadi sejujurnya aku ini bukan tipe orang yang rajin pakai foundation atau concealer karena sejauh ini mukaku nggak banyak noda yang perlu aku cover. Cuma memang kalau untuk acara-acara tertentu, sekedar ngedate sama pacar atau pergi kondangan, aku merasa tetap butuh karena beda aja rasanya dandan dengan base complexion sama yang nggak pakai sama sekali. Salah satu yang jadi alasanku selama ini nggak pernah pakai foundation dan sejenisnya juga karena sebetulnya aku ini pemalas, haha. Aku tuh jarang banget memberikan waktu lebih buat ngurusin kulit ataupun penampilan. Kalau aku udah commit untuk pakai make-up, berarti aku harus meluangkan waktu juga buat membersihkannya dan biasanya aku udah keburu ngantuk huhu.
Aku udah lama ngincar produk ini selama beberapa bulan belakangan. Entah kenapa kayaknya aku ini selalu telat ngikutin trend make-up yang lagi booming deh. Soalnya aku selalu butuh nonton review dari beauty vlogger dulu sebelum benar-benar beli produknya. Aku juga udah ke sana kemari nanya teman-teman foundation Fit Me ini worth it atau nggak, karena banyak juga yang saranin aku buat cobain L'Oreal Infallible Pro-matte. Nah kebetulan waktu lagi jalan sama mas pacar, foundation Fit Me ini lagi diskon dari Rp 150.000 jadi Rp 112.000 aja di Matahari. Wah, lumayan banget kan? Langsung lah aku bungkus!
Aku udah lama ngincar produk ini selama beberapa bulan belakangan. Entah kenapa kayaknya aku ini selalu telat ngikutin trend make-up yang lagi booming deh. Soalnya aku selalu butuh nonton review dari beauty vlogger dulu sebelum benar-benar beli produknya. Aku juga udah ke sana kemari nanya teman-teman foundation Fit Me ini worth it atau nggak, karena banyak juga yang saranin aku buat cobain L'Oreal Infallible Pro-matte. Nah kebetulan waktu lagi jalan sama mas pacar, foundation Fit Me ini lagi diskon dari Rp 150.000 jadi Rp 112.000 aja di Matahari. Wah, lumayan banget kan? Langsung lah aku bungkus!
Foundation ini ada dua versi; Matte & Poreless dan Dewy & Smooth. Karena tipe kulitku oily, jadinya udah pasti aku pilih yang Matte & Poreless. Sebetulnya sempat swatch yang versi Dewy juga, dan dari teksturnya sih dia jauh lebih cair dibanding yang versi Matte.
Nggak kayak sebelumnya waktu aku beli concealer Colourpop di mana aku harus menebak-nebak shade aku, kali ini aku bisa cek langsung di muka biar nggak salah shade. In case kalian masih suka bingung gimana cara cari shade foundation yang tepat, caranya adalah dengan swatch foundationnya dari pipi melewati rahang dan turun sampai ke leher. Beberapa orang lehernya ada yang lebih gelap dibanding mukanya, dan saranku sih coba samain sama leher aja walaupun mungkin nanti jatohnya jadi gelap memang.
Waktu milih shade ini aku dibantu sama mbak-mbak BA-nya. Dia kasih aku beberapa pilihan shade, dan aku sempat bingung mau ambil 310 atau 330 karena keduanya benar-benar masuk ke kulit. Karena kata mbaknya foundation ini akan oxidize, jadinya aku mantap ambil yang 310 karena toh nanti kalau menggelap bisa tetap pas di kulit. Takutnya kalau pilih yang 330 malah nanti makin nggak masuk pas udah oxidize.
BACA JUGA: Maybelline Liquid Matte Sensational Shade 11 Made Easy Review
Nggak kayak sebelumnya waktu aku beli concealer Colourpop di mana aku harus menebak-nebak shade aku, kali ini aku bisa cek langsung di muka biar nggak salah shade. In case kalian masih suka bingung gimana cara cari shade foundation yang tepat, caranya adalah dengan swatch foundationnya dari pipi melewati rahang dan turun sampai ke leher. Beberapa orang lehernya ada yang lebih gelap dibanding mukanya, dan saranku sih coba samain sama leher aja walaupun mungkin nanti jatohnya jadi gelap memang.
Waktu milih shade ini aku dibantu sama mbak-mbak BA-nya. Dia kasih aku beberapa pilihan shade, dan aku sempat bingung mau ambil 310 atau 330 karena keduanya benar-benar masuk ke kulit. Karena kata mbaknya foundation ini akan oxidize, jadinya aku mantap ambil yang 310 karena toh nanti kalau menggelap bisa tetap pas di kulit. Takutnya kalau pilih yang 330 malah nanti makin nggak masuk pas udah oxidize.
BACA JUGA: Maybelline Liquid Matte Sensational Shade 11 Made Easy Review
Pertama kita akan bahas packagingnya dulu. Jujur, aku kurang suka sama jenis foundation yang botolnya nggak ada aplikator buat apply produknya karena jenis botol kayak gini sama sekali nggak handy dan bisa bikin berantakan ketika dituang ke tangan ataupun sponge kalau nggak hati-hati. Mungkin karena dari pihak Maybelline-nya mau bikin produk yang affordable, jadinya malah budget packaging diteken kali ya? Setahuku sih mereka jual pumpnya juga tapi terpisah dan beda harganya lumayan banget. Dan karena dia modelan yang dituang-tuang, jadinya kadang ada sisa produk menempel di mulut botol, jadi bikin botolnya kelihatan kotor deh.
BACA JUGA: Maybelline Define & Blend Brow Pencil Shade Grey Brown Review
BACA JUGA: Maybelline Define & Blend Brow Pencil Shade Grey Brown Review

Foundationnya itu sendiri gampang banget diblend, dia nggak jadi kering terlalu cepat, jadi kalian nggak perlu terburu-buru buat ngeblend produknya. Klaimnya sih bisa ngasih full coverage dengan tetap terasa lightweight di kulit, tapi menurutku sih dia bisa kerasa berat banget kalau kalian pakai lebih dari satu layer. Tapi coveragenya bisa dibuild dari medium sampai full memang. Kalau mau pakai foundation, selalu mulai dengan takaran sedikit, tipis-tipis diapply ke kulit, dan dibuild sedikit demi sedikit karena kalau udah kebanyakan di awal bakal susah banget buat ngehapusnya dan beresiko bikin tampilan jadi cakey.
Finishnya matte, tapi nggak yang dead matte gitu ya, jadi tetap bisa ngasih lihat glow asli kulitku. Aku prefer finish seperti ini karena sebagai orang dengan pemilik kulit berminyak, kadang susah mau terlihat glowing tapi bukan berminyak tuh haha. Jadi kalau finishnya dead matte malah repot, harus kasih highlighter atau strobing dulu baru kelihatan glowing. Oil controlnya menurutku kurang banget, karena nggak sampai 3 jam aja mukaku udah jadi kilang minyak, bahkan setelah diset dengan powder. Di bagian hidung juga dia bakal menghilang perlahan. Dan yang paling buruk sebetulnya dia oxidize jauh banget! Aku kaget karena kukira nggak akan terlalu jauh turun shadenya, tapi ternyata separah itu. Mungkin malah seharusnya aku ambil shade 228 karena di awal dandan mukaku kelihatan segar, tapi pas udah lewat beberapa jam jadi kelihatan kusam gitu.
Apakah aku bakal repurchase? Kayaknya nggak deh. Masih banyak foundation di luar sana yang menurutku performanya lebih bagus dengan harga yang kalau nggak sebanding, ya lebih murah.
Hai semua! Apa kabar nih? Gimana so far bulan Mei-nya? ;)
Hari ini aku mau ngereview soal complexion product kesayangan aku yaitu si Colourpop No Filter Concealer! Jadi waktu pertama mulai serius mau belajar make-up, aku beli concealer bukannya foundation, karena dulu kulitku ga sejelek sekarang wkwkwk, jadi ga banyak yang harus ditutup gitu lho. Plus, waktu itu juga belum tahu mau beli foundation apa. Meanwhile, aku udah sering denger banyak beauty guru yang bilang kalo concealernya Colourpop ini oke banget, dan dibilang jadi dupe-nya Tarte Shape Tape yang harganya Rp. 350.000 :") Colourpop ini udah aku bilang kan paling juara soal harga karena mereka bener-bener affordable tapi kualitasnya juga ga main-main.
Hari ini aku mau ngereview soal complexion product kesayangan aku yaitu si Colourpop No Filter Concealer! Jadi waktu pertama mulai serius mau belajar make-up, aku beli concealer bukannya foundation, karena dulu kulitku ga sejelek sekarang wkwkwk, jadi ga banyak yang harus ditutup gitu lho. Plus, waktu itu juga belum tahu mau beli foundation apa. Meanwhile, aku udah sering denger banyak beauty guru yang bilang kalo concealernya Colourpop ini oke banget, dan dibilang jadi dupe-nya Tarte Shape Tape yang harganya Rp. 350.000 :") Colourpop ini udah aku bilang kan paling juara soal harga karena mereka bener-bener affordable tapi kualitasnya juga ga main-main.

Packagingnya simple—sleek, botolnya terbuat dari botol kaca, dengan tutup warna putih dan aplikator pipih. Sekilas dia senada sama packaging liquid lipstick dan Supershock shadows-nya Colourpop, cuma beda di warna tutupnya aja. Botolnya itu sendiri ga terlalu berat, dan isinya juga ga terlalu banyak untuk ukuran harga Rp. 120.000. Tergantung lagi ya kalian beli di mana karena harga bisa beda beda. Kalo kalian tanya ini aku beli di mana, kebetulan aku nitip di temenku waktu itu, karena dulu kan aku ga tahu mau beli shade apa dan agak susah nyari yang jual shade lengkap di Shopee. Tapi sekarang udah menjamur kok di mana-mana.
Aplikator paddle kayak gini menurutku sendiri sangat cocok buat aplikasi concealer karena dia lentur dan kaku, jadi bisa mengikuti kontur muka sampe ke pelosok-pelosok. Beda sama concealer dari, misal, Maybelline Fit Me yang bentuknya doe foot, itu kan kaku ya, kayak aplikator liquid lipstick. Sementara si Colourpop ini enak bisa ngelentur.
Aplikator paddle kayak gini menurutku sendiri sangat cocok buat aplikasi concealer karena dia lentur dan kaku, jadi bisa mengikuti kontur muka sampe ke pelosok-pelosok. Beda sama concealer dari, misal, Maybelline Fit Me yang bentuknya doe foot, itu kan kaku ya, kayak aplikator liquid lipstick. Sementara si Colourpop ini enak bisa ngelentur.

Teksturnya super creamy! Menurutku, yang baru pertama kali pake concealer, ini ga terlalu cair ataupun pekat, jadi di antaranya. Aku suka ngebiarin concealernya beberapa lama gitu di atas kulit terutama buat concealer di bagian bawah mata karena kalo agak kering baru diblend gitu dia jadi lebih pekat dibanding kalo misal langsung diblend habis diaplikasiin ke muka. Baunya sih hampir kayak bau spidol ya haha. Ya bau concealer pada umumnya aja, bukan bau yang mengganggu.

Jadi kalo kata websiteya sendiri, concealer ini sih; "A lightweight, creamy, full-coverage concealer formulated with soft-blurring pigments to create the ultimate matte, flawless complexion. Finish Matte". Dengan klaim full coverage seperti itu ekspektasiku ya concealer ini bakal bisa dipake sendiri tanpa foundation. Aku sendiri punya kondisi kulit bertekstur dan kalo kalian perhatiin ada kemerahan dan urat mukaku juga lumayan kelihatan. Kalo misalnya concealer ini memang full coverage harusnya dia bisa menutupi semua imperfection itu dan seperti yang kalian lihat di atas, ternyata memang bisa nutupin kondisi kulit yang tidak paripurna ini! Enaknya lagi adalah concealer ini buildable, jadi kalo misal memang kamu butuh coverage yang lebih lebih lagi, bisa kamu timpa atau kamu layer. Tentunya habis dia kering ya biar efek layeringnya kelihatan.
Sayangnya downside dari concealer ini, dia masih oxidize. Aku paling benci sama complexion product yang oxidize apalagi yang oxidizenya jauh banget, karena seberapa turun oxidizenya bakal nentuin shade yang bakal kita beli kan. Sejatinya concealer harusnya lebih muda satu tingkat dari warna kulit kita supaya dia bisa ngasih highlighting effect, walaupun in my case, aku juga suka concealer yang sesuai warna kulit kalo misal lagi males pake foundation. Cuma ya jadinya karena dia oxidize, concealer ini bikin mukaku jadi agak gelap kalo udah lewat dari dua jam. Tapi ini bisa diakalin dengan ngeset dia pake bedak tabur yang lebih cerah sih.
Sayangnya downside dari concealer ini, dia masih oxidize. Aku paling benci sama complexion product yang oxidize apalagi yang oxidizenya jauh banget, karena seberapa turun oxidizenya bakal nentuin shade yang bakal kita beli kan. Sejatinya concealer harusnya lebih muda satu tingkat dari warna kulit kita supaya dia bisa ngasih highlighting effect, walaupun in my case, aku juga suka concealer yang sesuai warna kulit kalo misal lagi males pake foundation. Cuma ya jadinya karena dia oxidize, concealer ini bikin mukaku jadi agak gelap kalo udah lewat dari dua jam. Tapi ini bisa diakalin dengan ngeset dia pake bedak tabur yang lebih cerah sih.
Well that's it for today's review. I hope you enjoy going through this post with me. If there's anything you guys want me to review, please just hop into my email or reach me out on my social media and I'll see what I can do. Thanks for reading and have a nice day!

Few days ago I finally managed to visit Artjog. This would be my fourth time to visit this annual art exhibition that once was a genuine refreshing activity. I still remember my first ever Artjog in 2015, I even wrote about it here on the blog and oh my god I sound so naive back then. I love going to art exhibition, thanks to Artjog that kinda opened the door. It's very fun and relaxing, even though you won't always understand what you see at the exhibition, but something with it just speaks very dear to me. It's saddening that I'm not as creative as I used to be with my hands. I used to draw, and I would always prefer anything to be hand-drawn instead of digital-made. But, well, I guess my preference has changed through time. And art exhibition has shown me that sky is the limit when it comes to being creative.
This year's theme is Enlightenment. And me being me, I don't always understand whether the artworks displayed have anything to do with the theme or not, because I like looking at the artists' passion through their art. Except for this one installment named, 'Sea Remembers'. I have seen the artwork through updates from some of my friends and I was so thrilled to see it in life. If you're a loyal follower of the blog, it's not a new thing that I'm in love with the sea. Which is why I travel to a lot of beaches. Something about the sound of the waves hitting the rock, or how it keeps kissing the shore no matter how many times it's being pulled back.
"May forgetting makes us remember of how imperfect creatures we are
The power of humans will never be able to compete with entrusted and appointed imperfections
If the land numbs you, remember the sea
As the sea is part of us, and also of the universe
And that His light is able to guide us into the future"
And as always, I will put up some pictures I took in the art exhibition to accompany you. On a friendly note, I know some of you guys are judging hard on people who take photos with the artwork on an art exhibition and trust me, we share the same thought. But some artworks, I'd like to pose with them because I genuinely enjoy them. So I hope that's okay.
Oh I love this one, it's aesthetically pleasing
This artwork—which title and the artist's name I forgot—is me and my boyfriend's favorite artwork in the entire exhibition. Sometimes when I take a closer look at some artworks, they're actually very simple and easy to remake, if you do want to take them home but too broke to even afford buying it. Of course, I'm against plagiarism but this one right here is so simple—so simple yet so beautiful. I mean, who would have thought to make use of glass shards into a piece of artwork? It's truly mesmerizing.
Ooh, this one is also another favorite of mine
Okay! We've finally reached the bottom of this post. I hope you enjoy my take on writing about this year's Artjog. I gotta say though, it's not as 'grand' as it used to be? For someone who has visited four Artjog exhibitions (and many other art exhibition, for the record), I feel like people who come to this exhibition mostly just come for, well, the photos. I mean, that's totally fine, by all means. I myself took some as well. But I encountered a broken artwork there because apparently a visitor stepped on it, maybe because the space was too little and too many people got in and the place got packed, the artwork got jammed because people want to take photos there. This is what concern me. You can take photos, hundreds of them, either photos of the artwork or you with the artwork. But please be cautious. You don't have to take photos on all of the artwork now do you? 😉
Well I guess that's all for now. Don't forget to pay a visit! Cheerio 👋

So I just got back from hanging out with my friends and yes, I'm still ill. I've been suffering from cold for two weeks now and I'm getting tired with being ill. Of course, who wants to suffer from illness though? But the time my health started dropping, was also the time where I was the busiest. If you're following me on Instagram, you must have known that I'm one of the staffs for my art group's last theater performance as the event's photographer, like always. Which is one of the biggest reason why I haven't blogged again. I do have a few blog ideas; like going to Artjog to make just another annual review like I always do, set another OOTD posts, share my favorite hang out spots (I remember I have this 'secret' place that my boyfriend found a while ago and I still haven't had the time to take photos there), and even post another series of #beautywithdummy that you can search the hashtag on Instagram :p Anyway, the reason why I'm posting this photo of me sitting on the stage after the even had just ended is because it's the only decent photo I have these days. And after a while I learn that I don't really like writing about my activities in my art group on the blog. It's not that much fun to write, and people don't seem to be interested in reading about it too. I literally have nothing to talk but I just want to let you guys know that I'm coming up with a few ideas. Okay, that's not entirely true. I actually just want to write something deep and personal here because I'm having another battle with past mistakes that recently resurfaced and I don't know where to go or who to talk to because that's-just-who-I-am teehee. I don't like talking to people in general. Or maybe I just don't like being seen as a melancholic or weak-ass girl who keeps dwelling on her past. I've been thinking about a lot of things recently and ended up stressing out because of it.
I don't know what I'm talking about.
Anyway, I'm really loving my ColorPop No Filter concealer that I'm using in the photo. It lasts the entire event eventhough I was sweating like a pig and my hands kept wiping my forehead and the bridge of my nose because of the excessive sweat. But they're magically still in place! Even the concealer still covered my dark under-eyes after hours running here and there taking pictures of the performance :") I think I'm going to make a review about it soon, what do you think? Oh and I also need to step up my brow game. I don't think I can last in the long run with brow pencil only no matter how much I love using only brow pencil to shape my brow. I'm thinking about buying a brow powder or brow pomade. My eyes were very thin that day, as thin as a line because I was both ill and exhausted. But being ill is never an excuse to not look decent on such important event, no? ;)
Oh well, I guess that's it for now. It's 2:57 AM and I need to rest.
I probably have never shared this on the blog, neither on any of my social media about my beauty routine especially when it comes to rubbing off the make-up off of my face. But I have always been an avid fan of Pixy's make-up remover that doubles the work as a toner. Although I have an issue with it because it gets stingy and leaves a burning sensation on my face on some occasion, I still held on it very dearly. I used to use the blue one, and then I changed it with the green one that's more focused for acne-prone skin. But still, the problem with the burning sensation sets me off. Since I don't wear heavy make-up on a daily basis (and because I'm pretty lazy when it comes to cleaning my face post make-up), Pixy became a staple for my make-up routine. Most people use milk cleanser before toner and I guess that's the best way to go? Considering the milk and the toner will deep cleanse your face. But as I've said before, I'm lazy. Thus the reason why I chose Pixy's make-up remover because they offer one-step-for-all kind of toner.

Micellar water starts becoming so hyped quickly here in Indonesia because it claims to be stronger than any make-up remover, and the best part is they're alcohol-free. I don't really find any other issue with Pixy and I don't like trying new things when I'm already comfortable in certain products :p I wasn't even planning to try any micellar water because it's more expensive than non micellar water make-up remover (have you seen Bioderma's micellar water? Gosh). But I'm dying to see what it actually does because I gotta be honest, I don't like to cake my face with a lot of make-up, which is why I have to make sure I have a healthy and glowing skin to minimize the usage of make-up. The number one brand that comes to my mind when it comes to micellar water is definitely Garnier. It's basically everywhere. So I went to Mutiara and got myself the blue one, for oily and acne-prone skin even though I have combination skin that tends to get oily on the T-zone and dry on the rest of my face. But it's better to watch out for any possibilities of breakouts than to cry myself in regret. And so, I chose the blue one!

Today I didn't wear any make-up except for the brows since I wasn't feeling good this morning and decided that I'd go to class with bare face... with brows lol. I didn't even put any lipstick or powder on because I'm that ill :( Usually when I use Pixy to remove my brows, I will waste both sides of the cotton pad just for the brows only, and I will have to waste another two cotton pads to wipe off any dirt or oil on the rest of my face. But with the micellar water? Honey I don't even have to rub my face to hell like I always do! Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water definitely does what it claims to be, with gentle swipe, your make-up will be gone. I haven't tested it on water-proof or smudge-proof make-up but I have high hopes that it'll do just the same! I am definitely digging for this and I will repurchase. I have yet to see how my skin will react to the micellar water because some of my friends say it causes breakouts but I believe that everybody's skin has their own needs and so far, it doesn't leave any burning sensation on my face. Oh and, it actually doesn't smell of anything unlike Pixy, which is a plus point because I have sensitive nose.

All in all, I'll give this micellar water 8/10. It's not that pricey, I guess. I bought it at Mutiara's offline store for IDR 27.000 only which is pretty cool because sometimes other seller sells it for IDR 30.000. It's cheaper on their Shopee account but you have to pay for the shipping fee as well so yeah. Well, I hope my review helps you out! Expect more posts on beauty reviews because I bought a lot of things in April and I can't wait to share them with you all. Until next post!
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