
January 17, 2016

Last Friday I went to Borobudur for the umpteenth time with boyfriend. I had been asking him to take me there because one of my 2016 resolution was to be able to reach the top of the temple. All this time, I could only manage to step until its third level, then I would go around the temple and step down because I can't stand taking too many stairs. But I really want to challenge myself because it's ridiculous when you have visited Borobudur so many times yet you've never been on top of it. Boyfriend was apparently willing to accompany me making my way to the top while stopping once in a while to take pictures. Enjoy!

Here in Borobudur, when you wear shorts that stop above your knees, you will have to wear some kind of garment to cover your lower part of body. It is to respect the temple itself as a sacred place. He actually looks good with it tho. And you don't have to pay for the cloth, it's totally free of charge! But don't forget to return them after you get down from the temple.

Perks of travelling just by the two of us, either we get a 'tongsis' or put the DSLR on the edge of the temple's wall to get a decent couple picture lol

I suggest you guys to visit the temple in workdays because it wasn't as crowded as weekends. The entrance fee is IDR 30k for adults. But you can always check it on Google because the price can change during holiday season. We bought a couple bracelet for the two of us, which you can get three of them for only IDR 10k. Such a good deal because the drinks sold in this place is sooo overpriced! >:( Oh and, I feel so happy to finally have a travelling partner who knows how to take pictures. At least I don't have to give him Photography 101 because he already knows the basic stuffs.

Have a nice weekend y'all! xo

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