Benteng Vredeburg Yogyakarta

September 20, 2016

Two weeks ago I finally went to Vredeburg Fort Museum with my boyfriend! Even when I've lived for more than two years already, but it was my first time visiting the museum. I asked him numerous time already but we couldn't find the right time to go there because of uni stuffs. Since we were still in the hype of celebrating our first anniversary, boyfriend took me there as a 'small' present for us. Here's the good thing about being a student in Jogja; you will never run out of new dating destination because there's always a new place to discover together. And you don't even have to worry about the travel expense because everything is cheap here (except for the illegal parking man around the area geez). Okay so no more chit chats! Here are some pictures we took that day! Enjoy~

The old typewriter machine

Sorry that the pictures are not as many as usual because I gave the camera to boyfriend and while I was busy running here and there looking at all the diorama or reading the stories, he didn't snap that many pictures inside the buildings (and trust me the buildings are that many, yeah). Nevertheless, it was a very enjoyable Saturday well spent at the museum. I can't wait to visit another one.

Vredeburg Fort, checked!

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